Current Festivals
In 2023, Judith performs her 23rd season at Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival, a 10-day festival held each June at Eastern Mennonite University, VA featuring ‘Bach is just the beginning’ with 4 full orchestra concerts and daily noon chamber music concerts.

July 18 - Aug. 6, 2023, Judith will be serving as Co-Principal Trumpet for her first year at this 3-week festival of orchestral, chamber and jazz music hosted at Mansfield University, PA where Judith is a distinguished alumnus. The festival features 17 concerts in 17 days in northern PA and southern NY.

Hosted in the Blue Ridge Mountains of VA at Graves Mountain Farm, Judith joins the 2023 Music and Mindfulness Camp, a 10-day residential program for musically talented middle and high school students from low income backgrounds in Philadelphia whose goal is to become professional musicians. She will serve on the Mindfulness Team in her role as an Alexander Technique teacher and facilitator for the students and faculty

Begun by Judith as a powerful means to create community and connections both within and across cultures for young people. Music, Mindfulness, Movement and Art are offered at this one-week morning camp for rising 3rd to rising 5th graders in Winston Salem, NC. Initially in partnership with Centenary United Methodist Church and a WS City Recreation Center, introductions to Jazz Piano, African Drumming, Organ, Conducting and daily Taiji, Qigong and Alexander Technique, Song Kreations, and Art explorations were experienced by 35 delighted campers in its 2023 inaugural program creating and sowing joy, peace, and happiness for the them and their broader community. 2024 offers more camps for more ages. Stay tuned!!

Past Festivals
Recently retired from Eastern Music Festival (EMF) in Greensboro, NC after 25 years, Judith was a member of the trumpet faculty (performing all positions) and brass chamber music coordinator. She performed weekly orchestral concerts, occasional brass quintet concertos, chamber concerts, brass ensemble programs, taught 3 -5 students each week, and coached brass quintets and brass sextets twice weekly for the 5-week festival (originally 7 weeks) held on Guilford College Campus. She also served on the EMF Board of Directors for 7 years.

In the US, Judith served as performing and teaching trumpet faculty for VA Blue Ridge Music Festival, a side-by-side model with invited students and members of the Roanoke (VA) Symphony performing concerts throughout the town in the course of the week.

Judith was on faculty at Lieksa Brass Week in Finland at the invitation of Juoko Harjanne. Lieksa is the biggest brass music festival in the northern European countries. Faculty teach, perform recitals and judge that year’s solo competition.